
Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding

Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding

Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding

Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding

Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding

Microsoft Office for Mac, Branding
Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company. It develops, manufactures, licenses supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and related services.
Technology / Software
Office for Mac Iconography, Packaging, & Rebranding
How to update a widely seen cutting edge icon system to reflect the change in the Mac OS and product design.
Microsoft had built equity in the unique icons Landor created for the Office for Mac X suite of products. I was tasked with redesigning the icons and packaging for the updated Microsoft Office for Mac software suite and extend that into a brand system.
For the design, I took the “aquafied” forms previously created and created a hard anodized metalized look inspired by the new line of Apple Mac hardware products. The liquid forms represent the ease and joy of using a Mac, while the precision of anodized metal speaks to the exacting nature of Microsoft’s applications.
The icons were extended across Microsoft’s Office suite of products for the Mac, including packaging, collateral and in product applications. The icons were on every desktop of every Mac in every studio I worked for, for the years to come.